Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Janet Wen’s MUMs Philippines Hair and Make-Up Artists and Lito A. Caleon’s FABs Manila rings a bell in every big fashion shows or beauty pageants in Metro. In the recent Mrs. Philippines Worldwide coronation night held on May 8, 2018 at RCBC Plaza in Makati, I met Lito Lito A. Caleon, while shooting at the backstage with MUMs Phils. HMUAs. How Miyuki Ramos of MUMs Phils. prepared candidate number 10, Jea-Ann Santiago, was gorgeous! This 5 feet 10 inches mother was transformed by Miyuki Ramos into ala Getchen Barretto look. It was splendid! Make-up, indeed, makes a difference in whatever beauty and fashion event.  No wonder MUMs Philippines Hair and Make-Up Artists are the most sought after HMUAs today.

In the same manner, Lito Calleon’s brand, “FABs Manila”, has been a hallmark in the image of every beauty pageants and fashion shows  in the Metropolis.  Lito and I has been photo shooting way back since five years ago until he, together with his friends, put up FABs Manila. The passion and agility of Lito’s eyes behind the lens when it comes to beauty and fashion photography is unparalleled by the consistency of his rapid shots.   Until we meet again.